Materiality 3Creating a Sustainable Work Environment Where the Company and Employees Can Grow Together

One of Congrès’ 3 basic principles is “Capable staff gathered together as part of the Congrès Inc. team.” Congrès has always maintained an open hiring policy and a corporate culture where anyone can actively make best use of their talents, regardless of gender, age, work experience, origin, etc., to ensure that each and every employee can shine at the peak of their capability. We have also established several schemes that enable employees to take advantage of diverse and flexible ways of working, e.g. at caregiving stages of life. Thus, we aim to create a sustainable workplace, in which both the company and employees can continue to grow.

5.gender-equality, 8.decent-work-and-economic-growth, 10-reduced-inequalities

Related Major Activities and Examples

  • Implement measures to create a workplace environment that allows employees to continue to grow through rank-based training, career interviews, etc.
  • Realization of flexible work styles that take into account employees' wishes, aptitudes, skills, and lifestyles.
  • Diversity and inclusion initiatives.
  • Creating an open workplace environment by promoting various types of communication within and outside the department.

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